CLICK HERE TO ENTER - NW3: Saturday October 26th, 2024
CLICK HERE TO ENTER - Elite: Sunday, October 27th, 2024


Official NACSW™
NW3 and Elite Trials
Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th October, 2024

BLM Wildwood Recreation Area 65670 E Hwy 26 Welches, Oregon 97067

It is not appropriate to contact or visit the event location prior to the event date, nor should training take place on event grounds once an event is approved/announced. Our locations are real life search environments where people work, go to school, etc. Pre-event contact or visits risk the host losing the opportunity to use the location again in the future.


Trial Host:
Trust Your Dog K9 Events  Rebecca Niday

Trial Host Contact Info: Rebecca Niday

NW3: Saturday 26th October, 2024
Elite: Sunday 27th October, 2024

Certifying Official: Julie Riekes

Judges: Ramona Audette and Silke Witting

Entry Cost
NW3: $175 per dog and handler team
Elite: $185 per dog and handler team

Number of Entries
NW3: 38 entries
Elite: 30 entries

One dog per handler per level/element.




Trial Entry Open and Closing
The draw period for the trial will open on Wednesday September 11th, 2024 at 9am Pacific Time Entries will be awarded by random draw of all entries received between 9am pacific time September 11th, 2024 and 9am pacific time September 13th, 2024.

Trial entry will close at the end of the draw if the trial and wait list are deemed full. If the trial and wait list are not full, the trial will remain open for entries until they are deemed full or the day of the trial. 
We will not be taking payment until you are given a space in the trial. If you are given a space in the trial, you will receive information on how to submit payment. You will then have three (3) days   to complete your payment to confirm your space in the trial.
Entry Method
All entries will be on-line via the link provided to the NACSW trial entry form. Paper and phone entries will not be accepted. Completing the form is not a guarantee of entry. You will receive a confirmation from the Rebecca Niday to let you know if your entry has been given a space in the trial.
Entry Requirements & Selection
A Qualified Entry is one that meets all the following criteria:
1.             Complete the on-line trial entry during the draw period listed above.
2.             The Handler is a NACSW member in good standing for the 2023-2024 membership year (8/1/23 - 7/31/24).
3.             The Dog is registered and in good standing with the NACSW.
4.             Dogs participating in a trial must be at least one year of age.
5.             The Dog has achieved the prior title level and ORT title (passed all 3 odors) at least 14 days before the trial opens for entries. This applies to all levels.

Qualified entry for NW3 - Dog has earned a NW2 title and has not yet earned the NW3 Elite title level.
Qualified entry for Elite - Dog has earned a NW3 elite title and has not yet earned an ELT-CH title.
Trial spaces will be determined in the following manner:

Spaces will be awarded by a random draw of all Qualified Entries received during the draw period listed above.

- Once the trial opens for entry, if you are having technical difficulties entering during the 48 hour draw period, please email prior to the end of the draw period. For any other questions that are not related to the trial entry system, contact the Rebecca Niday

- No dog will be given a space in more than one trial of the same level and type at a single event.

- You may enter multiple dogs for entry in the draw. However, only one dog/handler per title level will be accepted into the trial. Entry will go to the dog selected in the draw – you may not swap to an alternate dog. If multiple dogs are selected in the draw, you may select which dog you wish to enter. Once a dog has been entered as a second dog/handler entry, you may not swap handlers after the draw to change the entry to a first dog/handler unless the trial is not full.

If a trial level is not full after the draw of Qualified Entries, then there will be a Secondary Draw of any entries received that did not meet the ORT title or title requirements. These entries will be accepted pending completion of the requirements. Note: dogs must earn their ORT title and prior title level at least 3 days prior to the trial date to be eligible to compete. If the required title or ORT title is earned less than 14 days prior to the event, it is the handler's responsibility to notify the Rebecca Niday that the requirement has been completed.

- If the trial level and wait list are not full after all entries received during the draw period have been processed, entries will continue to be accepted in the order they are received until the trial and wait list are deemed full.

- For Exhibit Only Dogs (FEO): Dogs running FEO are not eligible to receive titles or earn placement ribbons. FEO results will not be included in the posted trial results.

- If space remains after all qualified entries are accommodated on October 7th, 2024 then we will offer spaces for those who wish to run a dog For Exhibition Only (FEO). Second dog/handler FEO entries on the same day will be offered spaces after October 15th, 2024

- The trial host of an event has the right to refuse entry of any handler or dog for just cause as approved by the National Trial Committee. Just cause includes lack of adherence to NACSW rules and guidelines and the policies outlined in each event entry premium.

- Some trial entries may be given priority entry based on contributions to the organization and the trial process.

You will be notified via e-mail of the results of the random draw by September 17th, 2024 8pm PT.

If you have a spam blocker on your email account, please configure it to allow email from Rebecca Niday  in order to ensure delivery of confirmation and information about this trial.

You will then have 72 HOURS to complete your payment to confirm your space in the trial. Trial payments are payable to Rebecca Niday details will be provided with your Entry Confirmation Email.

A waiting list for alternates will be started as soon as entries fill. Alternates will be contacted when a space opens. Depending on last minute event logistics, we may opt to not fill all canceled spaces.

NACSW  reserves
the right to cancel an event if minimum entry numbers are not met.
Be sure you read and understand the guidelines for this event before entering. By submitting a registration for this NACSW event, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and accept the policies and liability information of NACSW.



The following cancellation policy applies:

- For cancellation of entries on or before 12noon October 11th, 2024 - Full refund minus a $25 processing fee.

- For cancellation of entries between 12:01pm October 11th, 2024 and before 12noon October 22nd, 2024 - Full refund minus a $25 processing fee if the host fills your space. No refund will be issued if the host doesn't fill your space. If the space is filled with a discounted or free entry, you will receive a refund dependent on the income from the replacement entry.

- For cancellation of entries after 12:01pm October 22nd, 2024 - 50% of the trial entry fee will be refunded if the host fills your space. No refund will be issued if the host doesn't fill your space. If the space is filled with a discounted or free entry, you will receive a refund dependent on the income from the replacement entry.

If you earn the title that makes you no longer eligible for the level you are entered, then you must contact the trial host to cancel your entry and will be subject to the published cancellation policy. You may opt to change your entry to an FEO entry in this case and will be placed on the FEO waitlist and only receive a space in the trial if the host is accepting FEO entries.

All cancellations must be emailed to the Rebecca Niday
For cancellations that meet the above guidelines, refunds will be issued within 14 days after the event date.
Entry fees shall not be refunded if a dog or handler is absent, disqualified, or excused by the NACSW official or judge.
This cancellation and refund policy applies to handlers that must withdraw for any reason including but not limited to injury, illness, emergency, and personal or work-related reasons.
If the event cannot take place or be completed by reason of fire, civil disturbances, an Act of God, public emergency, or any other cause beyond the control of the event organizers, then the event host will make their best effort to provide partial refunds after recouping their expenses.



ADA Site Specific Conditions

This is an outdoor recreational site. The walks to and from each search area may be long. Some pathways are paved but may have areas that are moss covered, uneven and cracked with eposed tree roots. Search areas may have uneven terrain, exposed tree roots, tight spaces and/or different ground cover

Due to unforeseen conditions, such as weather or change in availability of areas at the location, these conditions may be modified at the last minute.

Modeled after real-life detection work, NACSW events are held in many different locations, with a variety of terrain, under varying weather conditions. Dogs and handlers need to be able to safely negotiate a variety of surfaces, including, but not limited to, tile, linoleum, carpeting, gravel, asphalt, uneven surfaces, and slippery footing. Handlers should be prepared to deal with a variety of weather conditions, including heat, cold, rain and snow. Events frequently require covering extensive distances to get to and from the parking area to each of the search areas and generally require that this be done across natural, uneven surfaces. Handlers should be prepared for the physical demands and must be able to navigate the terrain with their dog accordingly. Handlers should expect to spend most of the day outside or in their vehicles as there are rarely indoor crating options at events. Please be prepared for you and your canine partner to deal with all of these varying environmental challenges. Handlers should familiarize themselves with potential regional risks and health concerns that may affect themselves or their dogs.  Handlers agree that they are entering this event at their own risk.

Due to unforeseen conditions, such as weather or change in availability of areas at the location, the details below may need to be modified at the last minute.

The parking lot is paved and tree lined.

RV Parking
There is limited space for RVs to park in the handler parking area during the event day. To reserve a space, you will need to contact the Trial Host Contact/Secretary after you receive confirmation that you have a space in the event. No overnight RV parking is available.
Running Vehicles or Generators in the parking lot
Running your vehicles or generators in the parking lot is not allowed at this event.

Reactive Dog Parking
There will be reactive dog parking at this event for those who wish to park in this area, however the parking is tight and there will not be separate potty areas or warm up boxes.
Unentered Dogs
Unentered dogs must remain in the handler's vehicle during the event day. There will be ample potty areas, but unentered dogs should not be allowed to "play", exercise, or train on the event grounds.

Smoking is not allowed on this event site, including the use of e-cigarettes
The Resort at Mt Hood is the closest hotel and there are a LOT of Airbnb's in the area. Sandy has a Best Western (25 minute drive)



Dog Policies
- All dogs must be on a 6’ leash at all times when not searching. NO flexi-leashes while not participating in a competition search.
- Dogs that need space from dogs may wear a red bandana, provided by the dog’s handler, to help signal others that the dog needs extra space from other dogs.
- Dogs will be toileted in designated areas and handlers must pick-up and dispose of waste.
- Dogs and handlers must stay in designated areas to avoid contaminating search space, interrupting a search, or from viewing any part of the searching.

- Handlers should expect to keep their dogs confined in a crate or vehicle when not searching. The logistics of an event typically do not allow for dogs to hang out on leash in between searches.
Handlers should plan to provide their own shade using canopies or shade cloths.
Refer to Location Details (above) for information on unentered dogs.

Females in Season
Females in season will be allowed to run wearing “pants” at the end of each search after all other dogs have been judged. Handlers with females in season should park and toilet their dogs away from the other dogs if the location logistics permit. Handlers must email the Rebecca Niday so plans can be made for the dog.



COVID-19 Information

Event attendees are required to adhere to the NACSW
COVID-19 Event Guidelines and Rules.

In addition to those guidelines the following changes and guidelines are in effect for this event due to COVID-19:

There are currently no travel or mask restrictions for this area.

If there are any significant changes or updates after the draw period, handlers will be notified via email. Handlers are responsible for staying up to date on any jurisdictional requirements for their home location as well as the event location including any travel guidance.


Complete rules are available at It is the responsibility of each handler to read and understand the current NACSW Rule book prior to participating in a NACSW event. 
By registering for the event, the handler hereby assumes all risks of, and responsibility for, accidents and/or damage to her/himself or to her/his property or to others, resulting from the actions of her/his dog. The handler expressly agree that the NACSW, Rebecca Niday and its assignees or any other person, or persons, of said groups, shall not be held liable personally, or collectively, under any circumstances, for injury, and/or damage to her/himself, for loss or injury to property, whether due to uncontrolled dogs or negligence of any member of said groups, or any other cause, or causes. The handler also agrees to assume all financial liability that may be incurred by the NACSW due to the actions of themselves or their dogs regardless of the cause.
All handlers and spectators are expected to follow the rules of the NACSW and demonstrate good sportsmanship. This includes making sure the hide placements are unknown to the handler prior to searching and kept secret from other handlers. Please do not discuss hide placement or any details of a dog's performance that may provide information or clues to other handlers or may be overheard.
Additional guests are welcome, however spectating opportunities may be limited.
Please verify attendance policies with the Trial Host Contact/Secretary before bringing or inviting anyone not volunteering, competing, or officiating.
Spectators may not photograph or video searches.
Spectators are reminded that the hide placements must not be discussed nor should they speak with any handlers about what they saw until after the event is complete.
No dogs will be allowed in the spectator area. No unentered dogs with spectators are allowed at the event.
An adult accompanying a minor must be present during the searches.
Everyone at the site must sign the waiver provided by the host and comply with all event requirements.
Handlers are not allowed to watch the searches at any time.

Videotaping and Photography
If the site allows public video to be taken, handlers may wear visible head or chest cameras to record their searches. You will not be allowed extra time at the start line to get your camera functioning. Please be sure it is ready to go prior to arriving at the search area. Videos may not be made public until completion of the event day.
At the host's discretion, a photographer and/or video service may be present during the event to offer photos and/or videos for sale to the handlers. TBD
There is no photography or video allowed by spectators or volunteers.

As a condition of your entry, you agree to allow NACSW, or their agents, to video you and your dog during the entirety of the NACSW event. These videos are the property of NACSW. All handlers, through entry at any NACSW event, waive any and all rights relative to video broadcast or photography of such event.
Handlers can volunteer for any trial that they are not running in during a trial weekend. If you are available and not running in the trial level, you are welcome to volunteer. If you know of someone who would like to volunteer, please go to THIS PAGE to sign up. You can also contact Rebecca Niday  with questions.
Your time and effort are GREATLY appreciated!

Emergency Veterinary Hospital
The closest emergency veterinaries to the event location:

Mt Hood Pet Medical
2066 NE Burnside Rd, Gresham, OR 97030
Saturday 9am - 5pm

Barlow Trail Veterinary Hospital
39231 Proctor Blvd (Hwy 26), Sandy Oregon 97055
Closed Saturday
Sunday 8am - 6pm

VCA Southeast Portland Animal Hospital
13830 SE Stark St, Portland, OR 97233
Saturday 7am - 7pm
Sunday 7 am - 7 pm

All trial related questions, contact Rebecca Niday